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Travel to Tortuguero with FERSA
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The prices are official according to regulations of the government of Costa Rica and published in the gazette
Brilliant! If you have already reserved your space on the boat, you can now buy your ticket right here.

Buy your Ticket here
Travel safely with experienced captains and all safety regulations
Please take into account which hotel you are staying at before purchasing the boat ticket.
The boat and parking tickets are valid for any day at our established schedules as well as departure times.

We have special services for groups and private trips. You can contact us on WhatsApp: 7191-6059 / 8688-9374 Tel: 2200-4193
Restaurante Rancho La Pavona
Italian pizza

We have different water transport services
For your comfort we have a variety of destinations such as:
White Spout
Black Pipe
Lagoon Four
and other destinations you could enjoy

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